2023 Russian River Valley Barbieri Vineyard Pinot Noir

2023 Pinot Noir
About This Wine
The 2023 growing season in the Russian River Valley proved to be worth the wait, as a cool, wet winter delayed the start to the season. Consequently, everything commenced later in 2023, with temperatures only beginning to rise above the low 80s in early July. Typically, grape sampling begins in early August as we prepare for harvest, but not in 2023. In fact, veraison—the stage indicating about 45 days until picking—had just begun for most of our vineyards around that time, marking a departure from the norm as harvest didn't begin in August for the first time in a while. Thankfully, August and September brought warmer weather, gradually ripening the grapes until the flavors, acids and tannins were all just right. Picking did not begin until September 21st – roughly three weeks later than 2022 – and lasted until Halloween. The 2023 wines are fresh, vibrant, and packed with flavor – the signature of each individual site shining brightly.